
About Us

The Start

Think and Thank was conceived many years ago. The first company that was built under Think and Thank was a publishing company.

“We started with a publishing company because we knew that we would want to use it to network and build our marketing skills. We used those skills and resources to launch the software company, the educational company, the outsourcing company, and another publishing company.”

Tom Tate

Tom Tate has been in business since he was 12 years old. He bought stuff from garage sales and flipped it to flea markets at a higher price.

Tom has done business in a wide range of areas; from being the highest paid horse farm consultant (shoveling horse poop for $60 an hour in 1984), to selling products online that help people build their own aircraft, to selling whole aircraft, to creating software that made people’s lives easier.

His businesses now run autonomously with his entire team living and working in other countries. He’s mastered the art of hiring and managing loyal, affordable, hard-working people digitally, who take care of every aspect of his businesses.

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Le-an Lacaiba

Le-an Lacaba is a young girl boss who runs two companies and is still able to work anywhere in the world on new projects.

She started working online when she was 15, as a writer and marketer. She was hired by Tom as a book editor in Tom’s publishing company. She rose up through the ranks through sheer will and speed learning to become the CEO of BLVNP. She created an amazing company culture for the companies she runs, which includes having a strong tribe mentality. She currently runs and/or consults multiple companies in the Think and Thank conglomerate.

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Garik Tate

Garik Tate is passionate about taking the dumbest thing in the world, a computer, and teaching it how to be smart. Basically, that means he’s a software developer.

For full disclosure, Garik is Tom’s son.

Using Tom’s systems and framework, Garik has escaped the rat race and built an awesome software company. He hires the best people from around the world and manages them even while they are working from home.

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Our Team

Our growing, awesome, and loyal tribe of innovators, creators, managers, and entrepreneurs who are constantly growing and helping us improve the world as they realize their epic visions.